The US Securities and Exchange Commission is implementing a system to examine financial firms 'cyber defences. 美国证交会(SEC)正在执行一项检查金融公司网络防范措施的制度。
The US Securities and Exchange Commission prohibits trading based on inside information, but apply the rules to private company transactions can be difficult. 美国证交会(SEC)禁止内幕交易,但将这些规则应用于非上市企业的交易可能很困难。
In a filing to the US Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday, the company said it believed its computer network was hacked in April and June this year. 该公司周一在提交给美国证交会(SEC)的申报文件中表示,它相信其电脑网络在今年4月和6月遭到黑客侵入。
Officials from the enforcement division of the US Securities and Exchange Commission are talking to a number of banks in an effort to find solutions to restore liquidity, according to several people briefed on the matter. 据几位知情人士透露,美国证券交易委员会(sec)执行部门的官员正找多家银行谈话,旨在找到恢复市场流动性的解决方案。
The US Securities and Exchange Commission is also investigating BAE for possible violations of the books and records provisions of the US anti-bribery law known as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, two sources said yesterday. 两位消息人士昨日表示,美国证券交易委员会(sec)也在调查该公司可能存在的、违反《反海外贿赂法》(foreigncorruptpracticesact)中有关入账和记录条款的问题。
The ban was lifted by the US Securities and Exchange Commission late on Wednesday night. 美国证券交易委员会(sec)周三晚取消了该禁令。
The US Securities and Exchange Commission, which enforces IPO disclosure rules, declined to comment. 负责IPO披露规则执行的美国证交会(SEC)拒绝置评。
Earlier this year, the US Securities and Exchange Commission started a probe into the bank's former China property head over possible violations of the US foreign corrupt practices act relating to mainland property deals. 今年早些时候,美国证交会(SEC)还启动了针对该行中国地产业务前任主管的调查。该名前主管可能在中国内地的数起地产交易中违反了美国的《反海外腐败法》。
Earlier this month, the US Securities and Exchange Commission filed civil fraud charges against Goldman and one of its bankers, accusing them of misleading investors in a mortgage-backed collateralised debt obligation known as abacus. 本月早些时候,美国证交会(sec)对高盛和它的一名银行家提起民事欺诈指控,指责他们在名为abacus的抵押支持债务抵押债券产品上误导投资者。
The US Securities and Exchange Commission is facing a budget squeeze from the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, which officials say is hampering efforts to improve its enforcement division. 美国证交会(SEC)正面临来自共和党控制的众议院要求其削减预算的压力。官员们表示,这将阻碍证交会改善其执行部门能力的努力。
The US Securities and Exchange Commission has charged the Chinese affiliates of five leading accounting firms with violating securities laws for refusing to produce paperwork related to investigations into accounting fraud at Chinese companies. 美国证交会(sec)已向五大会计师事务所的中国附属公司提起诉讼,指控其违反证券法律,因为它们拒绝在美方对中国企业会计欺诈的调查中交出相关文件。
In a return to form after the Bush years, the US Securities and Exchange Commission has sided with shareholders by proposing to boost their ability to nominate directors not a day too soon. 在布什(bush)时代之后回归常态的过程中,美国证券交易委员会(securitiesandexchangecommission)站在了股东一边,提议增强股东提名董事的能力非常及时。
The US Securities and Exchange Commission accused Sir Allen on Tuesday of operating an alleged$ 8bn scheme involving certificates of deposits sold through SIB that allegedly promised improbable and unsubstantiated high interest rates. 美国证交会(SEC)周二指控艾伦爵士操纵了一项80亿美元的计划,涉及通过斯坦福国际银出售大额存单。据称,这些大额存单承诺了不大可能且不切实际的高利率。
Last week, the US Securities and Exchange Commission began proceedings against Chinese affiliates of the big auditing firms for refusing to produce audit papers on Chinese companies under investigation for suspected fraud. 上周,美国证交会(sec)启动了对各大审计公司中国附属机构的诉讼程序,这些机构拒绝交出那些涉嫌欺诈而遭调查的中国企业的审计工作底稿。
The move comes on the heels of a warning last week by the US Securities and Exchange Commission over the transparency of dark pools, which allow the matching of large blocks of shares without prices being revealed until after trades are completed. 上周,美国证交会(SEC)曾就暗池的透明度发出警告。暗池交易系统允许执行大宗股票交易,在交易完成前不显示价格。
The US Securities and Exchange Commission has written to several companies in the past few months asking why they had not disclosed business dealings in Syria, Iran, Sudan and Cuba. 在过去几个月中,美国证交会(sec)已致信多家公司,质询为什么它们没有披露在叙利亚、伊朗、苏丹和古巴的商业交易。
The US Securities and Exchange Commission said on Monday that in the coming weeks, aggregate short-selling volumes in shares would be published on a daily basis while information about short-sale transactions in all publicly traded shares would be provided with a one-month delay. 美国证券交易委员会(sec)周一表示,未来几周,股票卖空交易总量将每日公布,而各上市公司股票的卖空交易信息将延迟一个月披露。
The US Securities and Exchange Commission and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board have launched investigations into some Chinese companies and their US auditors. 美国证交会(SEC)与美国上市公司会计监督委员会(PCAOB)已经对一些中国公司及其美国审计师发起了调查。
The US Securities and Exchange Commission recently moved to sue the Chinese affiliates of the big four accounting firms for not sharing details of their audits of Chinese companies. 美国证交会(sec)最近对四大会计师事务所的中国分支提起诉讼,理由是它们没有共享自己对中国公司所做审计的细节。
Their trades and money transfers were routed through prestigious US financial institutions, where hyper-alert and risk-averse bank officers help the US Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulators keep tabs on suspicious transactions. 他们的交易和资金转移是通过显赫的美国金融机构进行的,那里高度警觉且厌恶风险的银行管理人士会帮助美国证交会(sec)及其他监管机构监督可疑交易。
US Securities and Exchange Commission to report investment fraud. 向美国安全和交易委员会报告投资欺诈。
The US Securities and Exchange Commission yesterday brought its first case of insider trading involving credit default swaps, accusing a bond salesman of passing confidential information to a hedge fund manager that resulted in an instant profit of$ 1.2m. 美国证券和交易委员会(SEC)昨天提起首例涉及信用违约互换(CDS)的内幕交易诉讼,指控一位债券销售人员向一位对冲基金经理透露机密信息,这导致该基金迅速获利120万美元。
In contrast to banking regulators, which banks say have indicated their desire to see some consistency, the US Securities and Exchange Commission appears relaxed about investment banks using different approaches to value complex securities. 各银行表示,银行业监管机构表示愿意看到某种一致性,而与此形成对比的是,美国证交会(sec)在投资银行使用不同方式为复杂证券估值方面显得十分放松。
The plan, which has been the subject of negotiations for over a year, is likely to be submitted to the US Securities and Exchange Commission for approval as early as this week. 围绕此项计划的商讨已进行了一年有余,该计划可能最早于本周初提交美国证券交易委员会(sec)批准。
The ban had prevented short selling on nearly 1,000 companies, including financial firms and industrial groups such as GM. The ban was lifted by the US Securities and Exchange Commission late on Wednesday night. 这项禁令禁止对近1000家企业的股票进行卖空操作,包括金融公司和通用汽车等工业集团的股票。美国证券交易委员会(SEC)周三晚取消了该禁令。
We are looking into a number of questions relating to Goldman Sachs and other companies and their derivatives arrangements with Greece, Mr Bernanke said, noting that the US Securities and Exchange Commission was also interested in the issue. 伯南克表示:我们正在调查高盛和其它公司以及它们与希腊政府之间衍生品安排的许多相关问题。他指出,美国证交会(SEC)也对该事件感兴趣。
The rate at which companies find new oil and gas to add to their reserves has traditionally been an important yardstick for investors, although criticism of the measure has recently led the US Securities and Exchange Commission to revise its rules for reporting reserves. 传统上,企业将所找到新油气资源加入公司储量的比例,一直是投资者的重要衡量标准,虽然对这种方式的批评,最近已导致美国证券交易委员会(sec)修改了对储量报告的规定。
Separately, the US Securities and Exchange Commission said Tuesday it was reviewing the rules surrounding private securities trading and IPOs. 另外,美国证券交易委员会周二表示,正在修改私募基金交易以及首次公开募股的相关规定。